Diamond Valley College Sport Program.

Students have the opportunity to be involved in a large range of sports within the College as well as being able to represent the college in division, region and state competition. Individual sports and less popular team sports are available by request.

Sports offered include: track & field, swimming, diving, AFL, soccer, futsal, basketball, netball, table tennis, tennis, volleyball, badminton and cross-country.

Students can also participate in the Primary School Umpire Program where they are rostered to umpire and referee Primary School Division Sport. Sports offered include Basketball, Netball, AFL and Soccer.

Each year students have the opportunity to apply to be House Captains. House Captains work with the Sport Co-ordinator to drive the College Carnivals and generate enthusiasm for participating in the Sport Program throughout the year.

Term Sports Offered.

Term 1

Carnivals: House, Division & NMR Swimming Carnivals, House Athletics Carnival

Year 7: Baseball, Softball, Tennis, Volleyball

Senior: Cricket, Baseball, Softball, Tennis, Volleyball, Basketball, Table Tennis

Term 2

Carnivals: SSV Swimming & Diving, All-Schools Swimming, Division Athletics, Division & NMR Cross Country

Year 7, Year 8 & Intermediate: AFL, Soccer, Netball, Badminton

Senior: AFL, Soccer, Netball, Badminton, Hockey

Term 3

Carnivals: SSV Cross Country, All-Schools Cross Country, NMR Athletics

Year 7, Year 8 & Intermediate: Basketball, Table Tennis, Hockey, Futsal

Term 4

Carnivals: SSV Athletics, All-Schools Athletics

Year 7 (2018 Fixture): Baseball, Cricket, Softball, Tennis

Year 8: Volleyball

Year 8 (2018 Fixture): Baseball, Cricket, Softball, Tennis

Training for these teams is held either at lunchtimes or before and after school. Both staff and students in Years 8-12 coach these teams.

Sporting Facilities.

Diamond Valley College has excellent sporting and physical education facilities, which include an on-site multi-purpose synthetic court comprising of five tennis courts, a soccer and hockey field, a sports oval that is used for cricket, AFL and track and field, as well as direct access to the facilities at Community Bank Stadium.

Community Bank Stadium features multi-purpose rooms, suitable for training or use as a classroom, a 1200 sqm national standard gymnastics centre operated by Jets Gymnastics, who deliver all gymnastics programming for Diamond Valley College and three international size basketball courts.

Specialist Sport Programs.

Tennis Programs Victoria

Tennis Programs Victoria, in conjunction with Diamond Valley College, seek expressions of interest from athletes interested in participating in a structured Tennis training program to improve their tennis potential. The training will comprise of a combination of technical, tactical, strength and conditioning, dietary advice, sports psychology and video analysis.

Athletes will also have the benefit of a personal player management report and create opportunities for a pathway to an American College Scholarship if they choose.

Jets Gymnastics

Diamond Valley College has an established partnership with Jets Gymnastics. Gymnasts in their squad program attend the College on a modified program. Every effort is made to ensure that the students are supported to gain access to core curriculum. Diamond Valley College understands the time and commitment required for athletes to compete at an elite level and work collaboratively with Jets Gymnastics to support the students in balancing their intense training schedules with their academic commitments.