
Diamond Valley College offers programs and subjects based on the Victorian Curriculum and the Victorian Certificate of Education. The Diamond Valley College Teaching Model is embedded within the curriculum and is an integral part of our teaching and learning practice. We aim to provide a wide range of subjects to engage all students.

Year 7 & 8.


Students complete core studies:
English, Maths, Science, Humanities, Language – Italian, Physical Education, Music and Personal Development and Learning (PDL).

In addition, students choose two semester based units as part of their curriculum study.

Students are expected to study a language other then English. Diamond Valley College offer Italian as the subject of LOTE.

The La Trobe University School Partnerships Porgram (SPP) works collaboratively with Diamond Valley College, to raise awareness of Higher Education and inform career aspiration, by providing access to a range of activities that engage students and their school communities. Created for 7 – 10, these activities are closely linked to curriculum and are designed to inform aspirations and aid motivation and learning confidence.

Year 9.

The Year 9 curriculum framework at Diamond Valley College ensures that students not only undertake core subjects that provide them with skills necessary for cognitive and personal development, it also enables them to select from a range of electives. Our aim is to ‘set students up for success’ and this success has its foundations in a supportive environment and in a purposeful and challenging course of study. Students need to know why they are pursuing particular courses of learning and take the opportunity to select units of study that will stretch and broaden their skills.


Year 10.

In Year 10, students at Diamond Valley College become part of the senior school, where the key values of respect, excellence and responsibility remain paramount to the college ethos. The teachers have developed a curriculum that will meet the educational needs of students whilst at the same time, engage them in positive and interesting learning. The Year 10 curriculum has been aligned to the senior program to give students optimal opportunities to achieve their personal best in their learning.



VCE students should plan their program on the basis of completing 22 units over two years. This will normally result in students doing 12 units in year 11 and 10 units in year 12. If students undertake an advanced placement subject in year 10 they would plan their program with 24 units of study. Vocational Education and Training (VET) programs can also be included as part of VCE studies. It is difficult to meet all requests for subject choices due to limitations of staffing and class sizes, however every effort is made to assist students with their choices. VCE students select their program, from subjects listed on the VCE selection form. This will take place after several career pathways have been investigated and interviews with parents and staff are held.


VCE Subject Offerings.

Unit 1 and 2

  • Art
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Computing – Computing
  • Economics
  • English
  • Health and Human Development
  • 20th Century to Modern History
  • Legal Studies
  • Literature
  • Language – Italian
  • Maths – Foundation
  • Maths – General Mathematics
  • Maths – Specialist Mathematics
  • Maths – Mathematical Methods
  • Music – Music Performance
  • Physical Education
  • Physics
  • Product Design & Technology – Materials
  • Product Design & Technology – Textiles
  • Psychology
  • Technology – Food
  • Theatre Studies
  • Visual Communication Design
  • VET – Certificate II Creative Industries (Media)
  • VET – Certificate III Sport and Recreation

Unit 3 and 4.

  • Art
  • Biology
  • Business Management
  • Chemistry
  • Computing – Informatics
  • Economics
  • English
  • Health and Human Development
  • History – Revolutions
  • Legal Studies
  • Literature
  • Language – Italian
  • Maths – Further Mathematics
  • Maths – General Mathematics
  • Maths – Specialist Mathematics
  • Maths – Mathematical Methods
  • Music – Music Performance
  • Physical Education
  • Physics
  • Product Design & Technology – Materials
  • Product Design & Technology – Textiles
  • Psychology
  • Technology – Food
  • Visual Communication Design
  • VET – Certificate III Media
  • VET – Certificate III Sport and Recreation


VET programs are designed to broaden opportunities for students interested in vocationally orientated courses to complement the traditional VCE.VET programs can be delivered by TAFE, in partnership with the College or Registered Training Organisation (RTO). This means that course work may be completed at another location. Students receive a qualification at the Certificate II or Certificate III level. Courses usually take two years on a part time basis, usually one day a week or block release over a week or two week period. A Certificate II usually equates to a pre- apprenticeship and students gain credit towards a full apprenticeship if they continue in the industry.

Currently, Diamond Valley College offers in-house Certificate III in Media (Gaming) and Certificate III in Sport and Recreation. 

VET Media (Gaming)
In VET Media (Gaming), students are introduced to the game design pipeline. They learn about the key elements required to create a fully functioning game in the Unreal Development Kit (UE4). They complete design documents including game flow, level concepts and storyboards and incorporate feedback from teachers and peers. Students develop their skills in the use of Photoshop, Animate, and HTML, which are required for creating in-game menus and heads up displays. This certificate is Auspiced through the Academy of Interactive Entertainment (AIE).

Our students are required to attend a simulated work placement that will be conducted at the World Trade Center level 3 with the academy. This provides us not only a view to how a game jam is performed in our industry, but also an introduction into a post adult learning University/ college. This pathway into your VET is extremely important and as a student of our college and AIE. To enrol in a post educational course at AIE, you are only required to attend an interview showcasing your portfolio, including your digital representation.

On placement, all 1st and 2nd year students attend the academy twice a year for a full days educational work environment, covering the Gaming Industry. This is compulsory.

VET Sport and Recreation
VET Sport and Recreation provides students with the opportunity to acquire and develop the skills, knowledge and confidence to work in the areas of sport and recreation and fitness. Leadership, organisational and specialist activity skills such as outdoor recreation and fitness will be developed throughout the program.

This qualification could allow students to undertake further training or study to enable them to be employed in roles such as outdoor recreation, personal training, gym instruction, event promotions, facilities management and coaching.

VET Sport and Recreation is delivered across two years at Year 10 and Year 11. Students wishing to receive an ATAR contribution for the Units 3 & 4 sequence can undertake scored assessment for the purposes of gaining a study score. The program also may contribute to VCAL at the Foundation, Intermediate or Senior levels.



Students completing a VCAL program receive a certificate for each year of study indicating the achievement either at foundation, intermediate or senior level. Students will generally study between 10 and 12 units each year although this may vary depending on the delivery of their VET program. VCAL students have fewer subject choices as 8 units are compulsory. These units include English literacy, Mathematics or Numeracy skills, Personal Development Skills and Work Related Skills. Students must also select a VET or TAFE course to suit their individual vocational interests. 


Language – Italian.

This language aims to give students a basic understanding of the structure of the Italian language and of how it compares with the English language. The course will be divided into topics where vocabulary, grammar and structure will be taught in a sequential manner. The course content will be taught using a variety of written, visual and audio material, with emphasis on all language skills. Some basic geographical, historical and cultural facts about Italy will also be covered. Students will participate in excursions and/or incursions to complement their language learning and to broaden their cultural awareness.

In VCE, students ‘develop the ability to understand and use a language that is one of the official languages of the European Union and the second most widely spoken language in Australia. It also provides students with a direct means of access to the rich and varied culture of the many communities around the world for whom Italian is a major means of communication. Studying a language other than English contributes to the overall education of students, particularly in the area of communication, but also in the areas of cross-cultural understanding, cognitive development and literacy.