VCE Showcase.


Health at Diamond Valley College aims to develop students’ understanding of health, promotes positive relationships and self-esteem, and focuses on developing skills related to decision-making and problem-solving.

During this course students will research areas for inquiry and analysis and will explore topics such as mental health, substance abuse, sexual health and disease burden in Australia. A harm minimisation approach will be taken when exploring alcohol and drug use and students will develop skills in order to make informed choices and decisions about their health and future.

Health is a core subject at Year 8 level and progress to Healthy pathways in Year 9. Health and Human Development is offered as a VCE subject to all Year 11 & 12 students.

Physical Education.

Physical Education at Diamond Valley College provides students with the opportunity to learn a wide range of movement and manipulative skills in a variety of sporting and games situations.

Students participate in many activities to develop fitness and appreciate the roles that umpires and officials play in sporting situations. Some core activities include swimming, gymnastics, athletics, tennis, hockey, badminton, cricket, volleyball, netball, AFL and basketball.

Physical Education is offered as a core subject for Year 7 & 8 that consists of both practical and theoretical components. An extensive year 9 & 10 elective program enables the students to achieve an in depth knowledge of the course content, which is vital in their VCE success. A comprehensive Physical Education program at VCE level gives students in Years 11 & 12 the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills.


During the topic of Electric Power, students work in pairs to build a working model based on the theory of how electric motors work. Students had access to basic materials which included a wooden frame, insulated wire, knitting needles, masking tape, copper strips, and permanent magnets.

These motors were then connected to a 6-12 volt DC power source. Here is an example of one of the motors in action.


The Visual Arts at Diamond Valley College includes both Art and Visual Communication Design. Our students are given instruction in a broad range of traditional and digital media including mixed media, drawing, painting, printmaking, photography, ceramics, sculpture, model making and digital programs.

Students are given a further opportunity to engage in the Visual Arts through attendance at excursions to contemporary and traditional art galleries. In addition to this we offer lunchtime clubs and extension through life drawing classes. Our annual Art and Technology exhibition showcases the high standard of our students work.