World Challenge

Get out of the classroom and into life with World Challenge at Diamond Valley College

Program benefits for students

Students who participate in a World Challenge expedition will embark on an amazing journey of self-discovery. The life skills they learn will help to prepare them for adulthood and the world beyond home.

“Challengers develop leadership, teamwork and decision-making skills, and change the way they think about the world.”

Skills for the real world

The pre-departure program as well as the many program benefits for students combine to work side-by-side with the aims of the curriculum and the framework of personal learning and thinking skills.

By planning their own itinerary and travelling overseas, volunteering in a developing community and trekking through challenging terrain, students come back with a different perspective on life as they ‘knew’ it!

Students develop skills in the areas of:

  • Resilience
  • Global perspective
  • Confidence
  • Leadership
  • Responsibility

Previous Destinations:

  • 2011 – Vietnam
  • 2012 – Thailand and Laos
  • 2013 – Malaysia
  • 2015 – Borneo
  • 2017 – Vietnam
  • 2019 – Nepal

For more information about World Challenge, please visit their official Web Site by clicking here