
Preferred Supplier

The preferred Book Supplier for Diamond Valley College is Lilydale Books.

Booklists for all year levels are available on the Lilydale Books site:

(03) 9739 61861

Unit 1 25-27 Hightech Place, Lilydale VIC 3140
ABN 30 160 957 004

Digital Copies

Although there are some good savings to be made by purchasing a digital textbook instead of a hard copy, please make sure you are comfortable reading in the digital format before you commit yourself to buying in this format!

There are a number of scientific calculators and dictionaries available through the app store, with a wide range of pricing (from free to very expensive). There are also many online resources eg

Second-Hand book sales

Diamond Valley College supports sales of second-hand books through the Sustainable School Shop. Click here to visit their website.

DVC Booklist

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11 & 12