Language – Italian.

Study Tour of Italy 2019.

On the 2nd of April, 15 students and 3 teachers said goodbye to their families for 2 weeks. We flew a total of 21 hours into the heart of Rome, Italy. We stayed in Rome for 3 nights and we visited, the Trevi Fountain, Colosseum, Roman Forum, Sistene Chapel and the Vatican. Our favorite place was the Vatican because of the talent and passion it would have taken to paint and decorate it.

After our amazing time in Rome, we started to make our way to Sorrento which is the second region of Italy that we visited. On our way there, we stopped in Naples, which is one of the major cities in Italy and is home to La Piazza Plebiscito.
Luckily, we had the opportunity to do some shopping and eat the traditional Margherita pizza and gelato. The next day we visited Positano in the morning and Amalfi in the afternoon which were both amazing cities. Positano had very thin roads that winded around the cliff faces and gave the teachers anxiety. Amalfi had amazing views and had many lemon flavored products. In addition, we even had an opportunity to make pizzas in Naples on an Italian farm with a traditional and authentic Italian speaking nonna teaching us to make the pizza dough. 

As part of our adventure, on Monday 8th April we travelled to a small town called Avellino, a 1 hour bus ride from Sorrento, where we had the opportunity to meet our pen pals. The teachers from the Italian high school welcomed us with open arms and the students were very friendly and inviting. The students took us on an amazing tour around Avellino and then we went to lunch which they paid for. We made so many new friends and it was a wonderful experience for all of us.

Our next stop was Florence. We stayed in ‘Hotel Corona’. During our stay, we shopped at the leather market, had a tour of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, walked around the streets of Florence and did a pasta making course, where we made pasta from scratch, and later ate it for dinner. We also caught a train from Florence to Pisa, to go and see the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa, which was very interesting. 

Italian Cooking SAC.

The video has the current VCE students who as part of their outcome needed to cook an authentic Italian meal, which consisted of an entrée, main, and dessert. Their task involved researching the ingredients in Italian, cooking it all in Italian and taking a video with a conversation in Italian. With the assistance of the Language Assistant the students were able to extend their vocabulary and learn about writing recipes in Italian.
Video by Keely Thomas, Ebony Hall and Sarah McEwan.